Zandri is an Occupational Therapist based in Hanoi, Vietnam.She started her journey when she visited Vietnam in Nov 2017. Looking through her Occupational Therapy (OT) lenses, she saw that limited accommodations were being made for people with disabilities. She returned to Vietnam in Feb 2018, taking Hanoi by storm and advocating for inclusion in the community and schools. She serves as an OT service provider and is also a board member of SENIA Vietnam.
Zandri develops programs and training for teachers, parents and other service providers in Hanoi to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to create an inclusive classroom. She does school visits to support the development of Learning Support and provides recommendations that fit with the teacher’s teaching style and classroom challenges. Zandri provides training and guides newly qualified OT’s in Vietnam to broaden their impact in the community through professional and self-development.
Zandri is passionate about creating equal opportunities for all and believes through education, awareness, and skills training, Vietnam (and the world) can view the world and its beautiful people through lenses of love, empathy, and understanding.
Through love for ourselves and our neighbors we change the world – one by one.
Congratulations to Zandri Byleveldt as the recipient of the 2021 February World Changer Award!