The SENIA West African Chapter Committee discussed the status of special education in the local community of Abidjan. The history of civil war in Cote d’Ivoire is in the backdrop of a society who is hopeful for the future. Sadly, as is the case in most African countries, children with special needs remain side lined from governmental support. Local policies and laws are vague and in some instances impractical, due to the limited resources available. The adoption of transitional organizational policies from the NGO community provides some hope for equity and inclusion, however, there are still a cultural and religious barrier influenced by limited awareness about disabilities.

As a committee we visited the Association Imagine le Monde. The visit was enriching and exposed the committee to the realities of special needs institutions in Cote d’Ivoire. AIM is one institution that brings hope to the community, doing amazing work in creating opportunities for students with more intensive needs.  They give their students access to education, practical life skills and vocational skills. AIM is a safe place to grow and learn and the facilitators parental support, with seminars on how to raise students with special needs. We are grateful to be a partner school and the committee will be working to sustain these relations with them, through vocational projects to assist the adults with disabilities to receive sheltered employment.


The SENIA West African Chapter hosted the first SENIA Virtual Conference in December 2021 at ICSA. In attendance were 20 elementary, middle and high school teaching staff. This was a much needed opportunity for professional development, awareness about diversity in learning and reducing stigma associated with special needs.
The event was highly interactive with participants engaging in discussions on the platform with other teachers in international schools across the world! This brought our community closer to other schools and inspiration was ignited about how we can create more inclusive access points for our students. The presentations were enjoyable with many moments for deep reflection and discussion. This was a great opportunity for teachers to reflect on best practices, to become advocates in demystifying special needs in Cote d’Ivoire.


SENIA Bulgaria’s Inaugural Networking Event 🎉

We are proud to invite professionals and educators from across Sofia to attend SENIA Bulgaria’s first networking event. Attendees will learn more about SENIA Bulgaria and our mission, connect with other professionals who work with the special needs community, and learn how we support each other in our vision for a more inclusive world.
This event will be hosted at the Anglo-American School of Sofia on June 8, 2022 from 9:00-10:30. Coffee, tea, and small snacks will be provided.
If you are a professional or an educator in Sofia who works with children with special needs and would like to attend, please email Cassie at