Resources – Workshop Opportunities: The Special Needs Network

Workshop Opportunity


The Special Needs Network

(Sharing is caring)

Do you have a child with special needs? Are you struggling with behaviour issues such as meltdowns, are you feeling overwhelmed with financial burden, does your mental health suffer? If you answered yes to any of these questions then please keep reading.

Alan is the father of Joey. Joey is a 25 year old young man who has Down Syndrome and is autistic. As a parent of a child with special needs, I too have experienced many challenges. However, I was able create a framework that allowed Joey and I to have a happy life, move from Canada to Bali Indonesia, avoid meltdowns and get back my mental health. You can watch a Youtube video interview where Alan share stories about his life, and story about Joey

Alan is doing a Free workshop that cover:

  1. How to reduce meltdowns
  2. How to avoid mental health issues for parents and care givers
  3. How to reduce your financial burden so you can focus on enjoying your time with your child

This is a 2 hour online workshop which will be done via Zoom, held from 9:am to 11:00 am (Bali time) on May 24, 2024. The workshop will be more than a presentation and will involve a lively discussion with the participants.

If this agenda resonates with you, please sign up for the workshop by clicking on the link below.