Please return to this site over the next few months to see our upcoming events!

The above screenshot was taken at our inaugural Board meeting in February, so there is certainly momentum!!

We look forward to partnering with all of you!

Did you receive the October newsletter? If not, please email us soon OR read the image above!

Have you seen that there are now 2 conferences to choose from? One is virtual (December) and one is in person (March)!

Be sure to go to the main SENIA page to get more information about the conferences.

Will you host a watch party or would you like to join another school’s party?

SENIA International

Hosting a Watch Party!  <—-LEARN MORE HERE!



Autumn has arrived and brought cooler weather and beautiful colors. With it, the time for collaborating and supporting one another is here! While our meetings are virtual these days, we can still encourage our colleagues and share resources.

SENIA Korea’s October meeting is coming soon.

We look forward to

  • planning for the  SENIA 2021 Conference watch parties
  • sharing “what works for us” with others
  • asking and answering questions
  • being a support system

Happy Fall!


Learn more about the conference at SENIA Int’l


Welcome to SENIA Korea! We are all so glad you’re here, visiting our corner of the internet.

At SENIA Korea, we work together to support our students, teachers and families in and connected to our schools. In the international community, having special needs can be daunting for families, so we want to be the best support system possible.

SENIA Korea’s Leadership team, 2021-2022: 

Chairperson: Tonya Garrick, Yongsan International School of Seoul

Team Member: Rachel Arnold, Korea Foreign School

Team Member: Rafael Jimenez, Seoul Foreign School

Team Member: Courtney Pakos, Yongsan International School of Seoul

more to come! Stay tuned!

Our April 17 virtual event was attended by over 60 people, and received rave reviews. Thanks for the positive support and feedback! We hope to host another similar event soon.
As promised, these are the recorded interviews with all of our guests. Materials promised will be emailed to participants, and watch our Facebook page for articles recommended. 

Alicia Chodkiewicz: Creating a Student Snapshot from the Psycho-educational Evaluation

Vera den Otter & Susannah McGlamery: Building resiliency and social emotional competencies in the classroom (focus on the upper school age student)

Kerry Mees: Supporting Students with Language Difficulties in the Primary Years

Nele Geuns: Sensory Integration Strategies in the classroom

Petal Jaffrey: Building resiliency and social emotional competencies in the classroom (focus on the young child and families)